A visit of the Mainloop stands for recovery, nature and cultural events. Every season has its highlights, the region will always be charming. We asked some guests about her impressions and what they would recommand to other guests.

„Am always looking for new trails to walk my dog Lenny. We start in Obereisenheim and walk to Untereisenheim, where we rest with a glass of wine and eat something.“
Claudia Dereser & Terrier Lenny
from Bergrheinfeld

„I am 72 years old thanks to my E-Bike I manage the 10km from Stammheim to the Hallburg in 30 minutes. There my wife and I enjoy the wine, the landscape and the idyllic atmosphere amidst cows and vineyars. Why should we spend our holidays anywhere else?“
Rainer Moller, winegrower from Stammheim

„Since five years our journey brings us to the Mainloop, we highly recommand the campsite Katzenkopf in Sommerach. Everthing is perfect there: the bathrooms, the parking spots, the staff and the location itself. From there we hike through the vineyards and later reward ourselves with a glass of wine.“
Stefanie & Andreas Hammer,
Hammer from Braubach am Rhein

„We just got back from our holidays in Croatia with our caravan and four bikes on it. Our stop has been spontaneous. We love that area and the delicious wine. To find your favorite you necessarily have to join wine tastings.“
Georg&Renate Strube, Heidi&Willi Strube
from Wolfterode

„Since 15 years we spend our last holiday with our motocycles at the Mainloop. The tour along the vineyards and the river Main is undescribable beautiful. The DIVINO in Nordheim always serves good wine, cake and coffee.“
Karin Elges,
from Fürth

„We have just come from the tourist information center in Volkach, where we stocked up on brochures and tips. This is our first time here. What appealed to us for our long weekend was the combination of a wellness holiday at the Sonnenhotel Weingut Römmert and a wine and cultural experience in the immediate surrounding area!“
Roswitha & Jörg Gramlich,
from Heppenheim
Photo: studio zudem
Text: Viviane Bogumil